Save with serial tickets
The nicest way to save money as a frequent traveller between Tallinn and Helsinki
Buy serial ticketsFlexible to use
Ticket changes without additional cost
Fixed price
Regardless of the day, ship or departure, the price stays the same
Quick & easy to buy
Fast and comfortable online booking
Possible to share
Your family, friends, and colleagues can use the tickets
Serial tickets for travellers
If you often travel between Tallinn and Helsinki, a set of 8, 14, or 24 serial tickets will be handy. Tickets with a fixed price and flexible use help you save money and you can also share them with others.
Serial tickets for vehicles
Travel effortlessly from Helsinki to Tallinn
Frequently asked questions
- How can I use a serial ticket to book a trip?
- How long are the serial tickets valid for?
- My travel plans changed. When is the latest time to change my booking done with a serial ticket?
- How many serial tickets can I use in one booking?
- Can I use my Club One bonus points to buy serial tickets?
- Do I earn Club One bonus points from buying serial tickets?
- I have already booked my trip. Can I add a serial ticket to my booking later?