Passenger rights
As a passenger travelling by sea and inland waterway, your rights are protected under Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010. This regulation applies to passengers:
- Embarking within the territory of an EU Member State
- Travelling between a port in a third country and an EU Member State
- On cruise ships departing from a port located within the EU
- Right to information
You have the right to clear information throughout your journey, including your passenger rights, contact details for national enforcement bodies, and accessibility for passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility.
If your journey is cancelled or delayed, you are entitled to be informed within 30 minutes of the scheduled departure time, with updates provided as soon as new information is available.
- Right to non-discriminatory contract terms
Tickets must be available for all passengers, regardless of nationality or where the carrier or ticket seller is located within the EU. You are protected from direct or indirect discrimination.
- Right to service and assistance
If passenger transport or cruise services are cancelled or delayed by more than 90 minutes, passengers are entitled to assistance. This includes, where possible, complimentary snacks, meals, or refreshments in reasonable quantities during the waiting time.
In the case of an overnight delay or cancellation, the carrier is required to provide free accommodation on board or at a hotel, as well as transportation between the port terminal and the accommodation. However, if the carrier can prove that the cancellation or delay was caused by weather conditions that compromise the safe operation of the ship, they are exempt from providing free accommodation.
Passengers are not entitled to assistance if they were notified of the cancellation or delay before purchasing the ticket, or if the disruption is due to the passenger’s own actions.
- Right to change of route or compensation
If your departure is delayed by more than 90 minutes or cancelled, you can choose between:
- Re-routing to your final destination at no additional cost
- Passengers are entitled to a full ticket refund and, if needed, a free return to the original departure point, as soon as possible under the carriage contract terms
- Right to partial ticket reimbursement for delayed arrival at the final destination
Passengers are entitled to compensation if their journey is delayed beyond the scheduled time of arrival at the final destination. The compensation amount depends on the length of the delay and the total journey time:
- 25% of the ticket price can be claimed if the delay is:
1 hour for journeys scheduled to last up to 4 hours
2 hours for journeys lasting over 4 hours but not exceeding 8 hours
3 hours for journeys lasting between 8 and 24 hours
6 hours for journeys lasting more than 24 hours - 50% of the ticket price can be claimed if the delay is:
2 hours for journeys scheduled to last up to 4 hours
4 hours for journeys lasting over 4 hours but not exceeding 8 hours
6 hours for journeys lasting between 8 and 24 hours
12 hours for journeys lasting more than 24 hours
However, the carrier is not required to pay compensation if the delay was caused by adverse weather conditions that made the ship’s operation unsafe, or by extraordinary circumstances that could not have been avoided despite reasonable precautions.
- Lodging complaints
Passengers have the right to submit complaints to both the carrier and national enforcement bodies within two months of the date the service was provided, or should have been provided.
After a complaint is received:
- The carrier or terminal operator must inform the passenger within one month whether the complaint is accepted, rejected, or still under review.
- A final response must be provided no later than two months after the complaint was received.
If a passenger believes that the carrier has violated the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010, they may also submit a complaint to the relevant national enforcement body.
- Enforcement of passenger rights
Passenger rights and obligations for transport services departing from or arriving at EU Member State ports, as outlined in Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010, are enforced by national enforcement bodies designated by each Member State.
In some cases, Member States may exempt certain services from this regulation, provided they offer an equivalent mechanism to protect passenger rights.
This summary is prepared in accordance with Article 23(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010 and holds no legal value.
Cruise Passengers: Cruise ship passengers are not entitled to compensation, route changes, or ticket refunds in case of trip cancellations, delayed departures, or late arrivals.
- Exemptions
The regulation does not apply to:
- Ships carrying up to 12 passengers
- Ships with a crew of fewer than three members
- Passenger services covering distances under 500 meters one way
- Excursions and pleasure trips (excluding cruises)
- Non-mechanically propelled vessels
- Historical ships (and replicas) designed before 1965 and made primarily from original materials, carrying up to 36 passengers
Certain domestic services or services covered by public contracts may also be exempt, provided that passengers’ rights are sufficiently protected by national laws.
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